Property analysis

Get a full overview over everything you need to know surrounding properties.

  • Ownership

  • Loans

  • Encumbrances

  • Plots

  • Buildings

  • Transactions

  • Coming soon: ESG Portfolio Model

  • Coming soon: Price Estimation Model

Property data is also available for API integration (machine-machine).

The insight you need


Our solution gives you the overview you need, on whatever level you need. Do you need to know how much loans a person or company has on their properties? We can show you just that in a single click. Do you need details on a property? We allow you to zoom in to get all relevant details, down to buildings and units on those properties.

Efficient navigation and exploration


By making everything you need to know efficiently navigatable, you can save time when evaluating credit risk, an investment, or doing an AML investigation. No need to run repeated reports to get the data you need, instead, just click around and export what you need. No per-click-fees, all for a fixed price.

Connected company data


Property data are fully integrated into the rest of the Enin application. This means that you can seamlessly navigate from a company to the properties they own, and quickly get an overview over what you need to know.


Talk to us to get access to property data

Try Enin for free, and then talk to us to get access to Enin-property

Kristoffer Bang Johansen


+47 970 64 643

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